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19/30370911 DC

contributor authorBSI - British Standards Institution
date accessioned2019-07-08T07:09:01Z
date available2019-07-08T07:09:01Z
date copyrightFebruary 2019
date issued2019
identifier other000000000030370911.pdf
identifier uri
descriptionPurchase your copy of 19/30370911 DC as a PDF download or hard copy directly from the official BSI Shop. All BSI British Standards available online in electronic and print formats.
title19/30370911 DC. BS ISO/IEC 19823-10. Information technology. Conformance test methods for security service crypto suites. Part 10. Crypto suite AES-128en
title19/30370911 DCnum
statusCurrent, Draft for public comment
treeBSI - British Standards Institution:;2019
subject keywordsComputers
subject keywordsTest methods
subject keywordsComputer technology
subject keywordsSecurity
subject keywordsData processing

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