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contributor authorNACE - NACE International
date accessioned2020-08-03T11:59:21Z
date available2020-08-03T11:59:21Z
date issued2019
identifier otherZZEQHGAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri;jsessionid=1B52F38963DAA552FFB5415FBAED6017/handle/yse/280624
description abstractScope of standard. This standard practice presents guidelines for establishing the minimum requirements to ensure the proper selection, application, and performance of tape coatings. These coatings are used as the external corrosion protection for new and existing pipe, girth welds, and fittings, and for repair and rehabilitation. The primary function of these tape coating systems is to prevent corrosion of the pipeline when used with or without cathodic protection (CP). This standard provides guidelines for the proper pipeline surface preparation, tape coating system application, inspection, tape coating damage repair, installation, transportation and handling of coated pipe to ensure long-term performance.
titleApplication of Tape Coatings for External Corrosion Protection of Buried Metal Pipelines - Item No. 21143en
titleNACE SP0109num
treeNACE - NACE International:;2019

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