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Lessons Learned - Contamination Control for Susceptible Instruments

contributor authorNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
date accessioned2017-09-04T18:49:50Z
date available2017-09-04T18:49:50Z
date copyright34676
date issued1994
identifier otherKTAEQCAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri;jsessionid=3826AF679D40527318548F1EFDEC014A/handle/yse/231214
description abstractAbstract:
During thermal-vacuum testing of Wide-Field/Planetary Camera, the sensitivity of the charge coupled device detectors decreased due to contamination. It was concluded that the standard criteria for the selection of organic and inorganic materials and associated processes with respect to outgassing are not acceptable with a new class of instruments. Each project with contaminationsusceptible instruments should specify design criteria and should use decontamination procedures consistent with instrument-sensitivity objectives and project resources.
titleLessons Learned - Contamination Control for Susceptible Instrumentsen
treeNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):;1994
subject keywordsEnvironment
subject keywordsSpacecraft
subject keywordsStandard

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