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Laboratory processing of pulp (Kollergang method)

contributor authorTAPPI - TAPPI
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:46:52Z
date available2017-09-04T16:46:52Z
date copyright01/01/2010
date issued2010
identifier otherWDOUYDAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri;query=autho162sear/handle/yse/110187
description abstractThis method (1, 2) concerns the processing of pulp by means of a laboratory beating device, the Kollergang, prior to forming handsheets, for the purpose of determining its behavior when subjected to a definite beating schedule [See also TAPPI T 200 "Laboratory Processing of Pulp (Beater Method)," TAPPI T 248 "Laboratory Beating of Pulp (PFI Mill Method)," UM 221 "Laboratory Processing of Pulp (plate refiner)," and UM 253 "Laboratory Processing of Pulp (Ball or Pebble-Mill Method")]. Only the furnishing and processing of the stock and the withdrawal and dilution of specimens are described in detail. Forming of the sheers is covered by T 205 "Forming Handsheets for Physical Tests of Pulp" and their physical testing by T 220 "Physical Testing of Pulp Handsheets."
titleTAPPI UM 258num
titleLaboratory processing of pulp (Kollergang method)en
treeTAPPI - TAPPI:;2010
subject keywordsKollergang
subject keywordsLaboratories
subject keywordsPulps

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