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Detection, Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion on Internal Surfaces of P

contributor authorNACE - NACE International
date accessioned2018-10-06T07:12:04Z
date available2018-10-06T07:12:04Z
date copyright2018.02.02
date issued2018
identifier otherANKYEGAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri;query=autho162sear/handle/yse/265550
description abstractGeneral  While the evaluation, monitoring, and mitigation of MIC cannot be prescribed in one particular manner for any given pipeline, this standard describes methodologies by which the appropriate tools and techniques may be selected and practically applied. The methods presented in this standard represent the general consensus of industry experts in pipeline corrosion and microbiology at the time this standard was published.  Appendix A (Nonmandatory) provides a site inspection and testing checklist and Appendix B (Nonmandatory) provides an example of pipeline system assay data.  The term “pipeline” as used in this standard generally refers to any pipe, tank, vessel, or component of a pipeline system for which the mechanism of internal MIC is of interest to the user of this standard.
titleNACE TM0212num
titleDetection, Testing, and Evaluation of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion on Internal Surfaces of Pen
treeNACE - NACE International:;2018

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