Browsing UFC - Unified Facilities Criteria by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 255
UFC 1-200-01 CHANGE 2
This UFC applies to the design and construction of all new and renovated Government-owned facilities for the Department of Defense. It is applicable to all methods of project delivery \1\ ... -
UFC 1-300-02 CHANGE 4
This UFC provides guidance for the preparation of Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS). UFGS are published by the Services under the auspices of the Tri-Service Engineering ... -
UFC 1-300-05A
Abstract: Purpose.
These Architectural and Engineering Instructions (AEI) provides design and engineering elements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) with policy and technical guidance for design of small ... -
UFC 1-300-07A
Abstract: PURPOSE.
The primary intent of this document is to provide instructions for preparing technical specifications contained in a Request for Proposal (RFP).
a. Specifically, this Architectural and ... -
UFC 1-300-08 CHANGE 2
Abstract: The scope of this document covers the entire DD Form 1354 process beginning with the identification of the requirement for a DD Form 1354, continuing with the points when the DD Form 1354 is updated, and concluding with ... -
UFC 1-300-09N CHANGE 8
This UFC provides policy and standards for the design, development, and revision of project documents, including drawings, specifications, and Requests for Proposal, for facilities ... -
UFC 1-900-01
Abstract: PURPOSE.
The purpose of this UFC is to provide guidance for recovery and recycling of building demolition waste. It will assist DoD facilities in determining the most feasible methods to reduce the ... -
UFC 2-000-01
This document provides guidance to be used for the execution and submittal of Army real property master plans; Short Range Component - Five Year Development Plan of the Capital Investment Strategy; ... -
UFC 2-000-02AN
Abstract: The criteria and guidance in this manual apply to the preparation of Master Plan Reports for the U.S. Army Installations in the United States. its territories and possessions. and overseas
PurposeUFC 3-110-03
Use this UFC in conjunction with the current editions of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Roofing Manuals (NRCA Manual) and the NRCA technical bulletins ...UFC 3-110-04
This UFC replaces Maintenance and Operation Manual MO-113, Maintenance and Repair of Roofs, by adopting available industry reference sources as Non-Government Standards ...UFC 3-120-01
Abstract: Purpose
Benefits of Guidelines. Air Force bases are used by large numbers of people, including active duty personnel, families and friends, civilian employees, retired personnel and others on ...UFC 3-120-10 CHANGE 1
This UFC provides general guidance and outlines technical requirements that apply to both building related and furniture related interior design projects, new construction and ...UFC 3-130-01
Abstract: The contents of this manual are applicable to both Army and Air Force construction. This manual provides basic background data for the detailed criteria pertaining to the various elements of arctic and subarctic facility ...UFC 3-130-02
Abstract: The procedure is applicable to both Army and Air Force facilities.
This manual describes the procedure for selecting sites for military facilities in arctic and subarctic regions.UFC 3-130-04
Abstract: Purpose and scope.a. This manual provides criteria and guidance for design of foundations for structures for military facilities in arctic and subarctic regions.b. To facilitate the use of this manual, ...UFC 3-130-05
Abstract: This manual applies to all U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force installations in the Arctic and Subarctic. Topics covered include water supply, wastewater collection, treatment and disposal, fire protection, utility distribution ...UFC 3-130-06
Abstract: Purpose and scope.
This manual contains criteria and methods for calculating the depths of freeze and thaw insoils,with consideration of the effects of other adjacent materials, for the design of military ...UFC 3-130-07
Abstract: This manual presents specialized design criteria for existing environmental conditions. These criteria pertain to the building proper and to interior utilities. Other manuals which pertain to arctic and subarctic construction ...