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contributor authorUFC - Unified Facilities Criteria
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:14:11Z
date available2017-09-04T15:14:11Z
date copyright07/26/2007
date issued2007
identifier otherMCMTXEAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri;jsessionid=190419C4AB017808E65B78A0B48BF7AE/handle/yse/12957
description abstractPURPOSE AND SCOPE.
This UFC provides general guidance and outlines technical requirements that apply to both building related and furniture related interior design projects, new construction and renovation projects. The information provided in this UFC will be used by interior designers and architects and will serve as the minimum interior design requirements. This UFC covers requirements in the development of design criteria, construction contract documents, specifications, calculations, and procurement documentation and project presentations for Design-Bid-Build (DBB) and Design-Build (DB) projects. Project conditions may dictate the need for design that exceeds these requirements.
Excellence in design is the primary goal for all projects. Reaching this goal requires a commitment by the government and designers to a level of quality that includes the coordinated relationship of interior design with the building design, as well as the details of design that affect the users of the facilities. Quality interior design is value added to a project as it vitally improves facility operating efficiency, attractiveness, livability, lifecycle economics, and most importantly, the productivity of the users. Project conditions may dictate the need for design that exceeds these minimum requirements.
titleUFC 3-120-10 CHANGE 1num
treeUFC - Unified Facilities Criteria:;2007

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