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General biplane theory

contributor authorNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
date accessioned2017-09-04T18:06:14Z
date available2017-09-04T18:06:14Z
date copyright01/01/1923
date issued1923
identifier otherACOUYDAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis report deals with the air forces on biplane cellule. The first part of the report deals with the two-dimensional problem neglecting viscosity. The variation of the section, chord, gap, stagger, and decalage are investigated, a great number of examples are calculated, and all numerical results are given in tables. For the biplane without stagger it is found that the loss of lift in consequence of the mutual influence of the two wing sections is only half as much if the lift is produced by the curvature of the section as it is when the lift is produced by the inclination of the chord to the direction of motion. The second part deals with the influence of the lateral dimensions. It is found that the loss of lift due to induction is almost unchanged, whether the biplane is staggered or not. In the third part conclusions from previous investigations are drawn, viscosity and experimental experience are brought in, and the method is simplified for practical application. Simple formulas give the drag, lift, and moment. In order to make use of the simple formulas more convenient, tables for the dynamical pressure, induced drag, and angle of attack are added so that practically no computation is needed for the application of the results.
titleGeneral biplane theoryen
treeNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):;1923
subject keywordsAERODYNAMIC
subject keywordsAIR
subject keywordsAIRCRAFT
subject keywordsANGLE
subject keywordsATTACK
subject keywordsBIPLANES
subject keywordsCENTER
subject keywordsCHORDS
subject keywordsCOEFFICIENTS
subject keywordsCOMPUTATIONAL
subject keywordsDESIGN
subject keywordsDIMENSIONAL
subject keywordsDRAG
subject keywordsDYNAMIC
subject keywordsDYNAMICS
subject keywordsFLOW
subject keywordsFLUID
subject keywordsFORCES
subject keywordsGEOMETRY
subject keywordsLIFT
subject keywordsMOMENTS
subject keywordsPRESSURE
subject keywordsSECTIONS
subject keywordsSTAGGERING
subject keywordsTHEORIES
subject keywordsTWO
subject keywordsWINGS

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