Recent Submissions

  • ASCE GSP 264 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface This Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) contains 20 papers that were accepted and presented at the GeoChina 2016 International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Technologies for ...
  • ASCE GSP 285 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2017
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface Interest and use of probabilistic methods and risk assessment tools in geotechnical engineering has grown rapidly in recent years. The natural variability of soil and rock properties, combined with a frequent ...
  • ASCE MOP 106 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2017
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: SCOPE OF THIS MOP This MOP presents HAB technology and its application to utility construction projects. Chapter 2 of this manual examines the mechanics of the HAB system, including the different components and ...
  • ASCE GSP 259 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface As a result of increasing and continuous social and infrastructural growth, appropriate ground for living and development becomes progressively scanty. Thus, engineers have been considering constructing ...
  • ASCE GPP 10 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface Since 1984, the ASCE Geo-Institute Chapter of Colorado, in collaboration with the Rocky Mountain Section (now Mile High Chapter) of the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists and the Colorado ...
  • ASCE GSP 269 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface Geo-engineers and geo-scientists have been playing a major role in providing, protecting, and preserving infrastructure and the environment. Many innovative technologies and practices are constantly being ...
  • ASCE 45-16,46-16 AND 47-16 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2017
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: The intent of these standard guidelines is to present design guidance for urban stormwater systems. It updates ASCE/EWRI 45-05 Standard Guidelines for the Design of Urban Stormwater Systems with material developed ...
  • ASCE GSP 281 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2017
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 was held in Orlando, FL, on March 12-15. It is the third conference co-sponsored by the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) and the American Society of Civil ...
  • ASCE 55-16 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: This standard provides minimum criteria for the analysis, design, and performance of membrane-covered cable and rigid member structures, including frame supported structures and air-supported structures, collectively ...
  • ASCE GSP 283 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2017
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: The seismic demand imposed by a ground motion is related to its amplitude and duration, where greater demand placed on the soil increases the probability that liquefaction is triggered and that its effects will be ...
  • ASCE GSP 273 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface Geo-engineers and geo-scientists have been playing a major role in providing, protecting, and preserving infrastructure and the environment. Many innovative technologies and practices are constantly being ...
  • ASCE 19-16 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: This standard provides requirements for the structural design, contract documents, shop drawings, fabrication, and installation of cables for use as static structural elements for the support and bracing of buildings ...
  • ASCE GSP 280 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2017
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 was held in Orlando, FL, on March 12-15. It is the third conference co-sponsored by the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) and the American Society of Civil ...
  • ASCE GSP 258 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: One of the viaducts of the High Speed Railway in Taiwan has suffered significant structural cracks in its piers. This has raised serious public concern. The damage was conjectured to have resulted from ground ...
  • ASCE GSP 271 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface Geo-engineers and geo-scientists have been playing a major role in providing, protecting, and preserving infrastructure and the environment. Many innovative technologies and practices are constantly being ...
  • ASCE GSP 282 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2017
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: The statistics course most of us took in college introduced a peculiar and narrow species of the subject. Indeed, that species of statistics—usually called, Relative Frequentist theory—is not of much use ...
  • ASCE GSP 270 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface Geo-engineers and geo-scientists have been playing a major role in providing, protecting, and preserving infrastructure and the environment. Many innovative technologies and practices are constantly being ...
  • ASCE 25-16 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: This standard provides minimum functionality requirements for earthquake-actuated automatic gas shutoff devices and systems (hereafter referred to as devices) meant to include mechanical devices consisting of a ...
  • ASCE GSP 265 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2016
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: Preface This Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) contains 35 papers that were accepted and presented at the GeoChina International Conference on sustainable civil infrastructures: innovative technologies for ...
  • ASCE 65-17 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2017
    Organization : ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
    Abstract: Scope: This is a standard guideline for calculating the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat ), permeability (k), and porosity (n) of finegrained, isotropic, and homogeneous soils using (1) strain-stress data from the ...

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