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Performance Requirements for Trap Seal Primer Valves - Potable Water Supplied

contributor authorASSE - American Society of Sanitary Engineering
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:45:27Z
date available2017-09-04T16:45:27Z
date copyright02/23/2001
date issued2001
identifier otherVZRDQAAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractDescription
Devices covered by this standard are designed primarily to supply water to drain traps which have infrequent use and in which water evaporation would allow sewer gas to enter the premises. This device is located in the domestic water distribution system and is designed to supply potable water to a drain trap to maintain the water seal. A means for the prevention of backsiphonage shall be incorporated as part of the device.
titleASSE 1018num
titlePerformance Requirements for Trap Seal Primer Valves - Potable Water Supplieden
treeASSE - American Society of Sanitary Engineering:;2001

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