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Standard Specification for Calcium Chloride

contributor authorAASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:46:20Z
date available2017-09-04T16:46:20Z
date copyright01/01/2013
date issued2013
identifier otherWCFBGFAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis specification covers technical grade calcium chloride used for pretreatment of and deicing road surfaces, dust control, stabilizing and conditioning road surfaces, and for accelerating the set of concrete not reinforced with steel. Other uses may also be appropriate.
This specification is applicable for orders in either SI units or inch-pound units. SI and inch-pound units are not necessarily equivalent. Inch-pound units are shown in brackets in the text for clarity, but they are applicable values when the material is ordered.
titleAASHTO M 144num
titleStandard Specification for Calcium Chlorideen
treeAASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials:;2013

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