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Supersonic axial-force characteristics of a rectangular-box cavity with various length-to-depth ratios in a flat plate

contributor authorNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:46:30Z
date available2017-09-04T16:46:30Z
date copyright01/01/1986
date issued1986
identifier otherWCNKAEAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractA wind-tunnel investigation has been conducted at Mach numbers of 1.50, 2.16, and 2.86 to obtain axial-force data on a metric rectangular-box cavity with various length-to-depth ratios. The model was tested at angles of attack from -4 deg to -2 deg. The results are summarized to show variations in cavity axial-force coefficient for deep- and shallow-cavity configurations with detached and attached cavity flow fields, respectively. The results of the investigation indicate that for a wide range of cavity lengths and depths, good correlations of the cavity axial-force coefficients (based on cavity rear-face area) are obtained when these coefficients are plotted as a function of cavity length-to-depth ratio. Abrupt increases in the cavity axial-force coefficients at an angle of attack of 0 deg. reflect the transition from an open (detached) cavity flow field to a closed (attached) cavity flow field. Cavity length-to-depth ratio is the dominant factor affecting the switching of the cavity flow field from one type to the other. The type of cavity flow field (open or closed) is not dependent on the test angles of attack except near the critical value of length-to-depth ratio.
titleSupersonic axial-force characteristics of a rectangular-box cavity with various length-to-depth ratios in a flat plateen
treeNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):;1986
subject keywordsAERODYNAMIC
subject keywordsANGLE
subject keywordsATTACK
subject keywordsCAVITATION
subject keywordsCAVITY
subject keywordsCHARACTERISTICS
subject keywordsCORRELATION
subject keywordsDISTRIBUTION
subject keywordsFLAT
subject keywordsFLOW
subject keywordsPLATES
subject keywordsSUPERSONIC
subject keywordsTESTS
subject keywordsTUNNEL
subject keywordsWIND

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