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Electrical Conductivity Test for Verification of Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloys, Eddy Current Method

contributor authorAIR FORCE - 71 - Air Force Sustainment Center - Oklahoma City
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:47:45Z
date available2017-09-04T16:47:45Z
date copyright09/05/2008
date issued2008
identifier otherWGGFHCAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis standard contains procedures for verifying aluminum alloy heat treatment by means of eddy current techniques, which measure electrical conductivity. Aluminum alloy heat treatment can be verified when electrical conductivity measurements are used in conjunction with hardness measurements. Intended Use: Hardness must be known for the conductivity test to be meaningful in measuring heat treatment. Figure 2 shows a typical variation of hardness and conductivity of an aluminum alloy with heat treat condition. Note that both hardness and conductivity values are required to define a given heat treat condition.
titleMIL-STD-1537C VALID NOTICE 1num
titleElectrical Conductivity Test for Verification of Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloys, Eddy Current Methoden
treeAIR FORCE - 71 - Air Force Sustainment Center - Oklahoma City:;2008
subject keywordsAlcad specimens
subject keywordsConductivity
subject keywordsNonferrous conductivity
subject keywordsPercent International Annealed Copper Standard (%IACS)
subject keywordsVolume

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