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Effect of tip shape and dihedral on lateral-stability characteristics

contributor authorNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:51:56Z
date available2017-09-04T16:51:56Z
date copyright01/01/1937
date issued1937
identifier otherWRWUYDAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri;jsessionid=8618CD0F39F0B9B5E782DA709FC20E0E/handle/yse/115525
description abstractThis report presents the results of wind tunnel tests to determine the effect of wing-tip shape and dihedral on some of the aerodynamic characteristics of Clark Y wings that affect the performance and lateral stability of airplanes. Force tests at several angles of yaw and rotation tests at zero yaw were made. From these tests the rates of change of rolling moment, yawing moment, and cross-wind force coefficients with angle of yaw and the rate of change of rolling moment coefficient with rolling were determined.
titleEffect of tip shape and dihedral on lateral-stability characteristicsen
treeNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):;1937

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