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Stress-Strain-Creep- Curves for Aluminum Overhead Electrical Conductors

contributor authorAA - The Aluminum Association Inc.
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:13:07Z
date available2017-09-04T15:13:07Z
date copyright05/01/1997
date issued1997
identifier otherLZJNPAAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractIn 1961, the Electrical Technical Committee of The Aluminum Association initiated a study of the Stress-Strain Curves for bare stranded aluminum conductor and ACSR (Aluminum Conductor, Steel Reinforced) in use by members of the Association manufacturing these products. The purpose of the study was to determine what, if any, differences existed between curves for the same types of conductors.
Results of this study revealed that the curves in use by the various companies differed to only a minor degree. In fact, the differences in most instances were no greater than the experimental error that might occur during the tests upon which the curves are based. It was thus found possible to adopt Typical Stress-Strain Curves for the various standard types of conductors now being produced for computing sags and tensions to be used in installing these conductors.
In 1964, it was decided that this study should be extended to incorporate data on Creep The permanent elongation of the conductors that can be expected with time under sustained stress after the conductors have been placed in service. Again, the study showed that the effect of creep data used by various conductor manufacturers for standard conductors differed by only a minor degree. It was thus found that average creep data could be used.
These curves are proposed and presented for sag-tension calculations only. Stress-Strain Curves are not a useful parameter for product acceptance.
The study has been completed for the following types of bare stranded conductors:
Typical Stress-Strain-Creep Curves for these conductors have been adopted by the Association's Electrical Technical committee, and copies of these Curves are attached.
Note for Bundled Conductors
When overhead conductors are bundled, close matching of Sags and Tensions requires that the bundle subconductors be manufactured identically and that they be handled identically during installation.
titleAA SSCCnum
titleStress-Strain-Creep- Curves for Aluminum Overhead Electrical Conductorsen
treeAA - The Aluminum Association Inc.:;1997

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