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Aeronautical Chart Manual - Third Edition; Corrigendum 1: 06/10/2016

contributor authorICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:55:39Z
date available2017-09-04T16:55:39Z
date copyright2016.01.01
date issued2016
identifier otherXBUHQFAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractFOREWORD
The Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and explanatory notes contained in Annex 4 — Aeronautical Charts define the obligations of States to make available certain ICAO aeronautical chart types, and specify chart coverage, format, identification and content including standardized symbology and colour use. The goal is to satisfy the need for uniformity and consistency in the provision of a broad range of aeronautical charts that contain appropriate information of a defined quality. The aeronautical charts required by all segments of the aviation community can thus be provided in the form, quality and variety in which they best serve their function.
The purpose of this manual is to explain the obligations of States for providing aeronautical charts and to describe methods for their production, distribution and maintenance. It is also intended that the manual:
a) assist both governmental and non-governmental charting agencies in the uniform application of the SARPs contained in Annex 4;
b) promote maximum efficiency in the organization and operation of services providing aeronautical charts; and
c) assist States in the training of personnel responsible for the production of aeronautical charts.
In developing the manual it was necessary to limit some of the content. The manual does not generally cover how information/data to be charted is derived before it reaches the cartographer. The manual does, however, often indicate who or which authority should be supplying the information and provides references to associated documents. It has been assumed that each State has some cartographic capacity and that it would be unnecessary to give significant consideration to basic cartographic practices and techniques. Also, techniques specific to particular cartographic software and hardware are not covered as those elements would be included in the training and documentation provided by the producers and vendors of those products. The scope of the manual is therefore generally limited to those aspects which concern the application of Annex 4 SARPs to aeronautical chart production and chart distribution.
The manual is published further to Recommendation 11/1 of the Aeronautical Information Services and Aeronautical Charts Divisional Meeting (Montréal, 13 April to 7 May 1966), and is published under the authority of the Secretary General of ICAO. It should be read in conjunction with the latest editions of the following related ICAO documents:
Annex 4 — Aeronautical Charts
Annex 15 — Aeronautical Information Services Doc 8126 — Aeronautical Information Services Manual
Doc 8400 — Procedures for Air Navigation Services — ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)
Doc 9674 — World Geodetic System — 1984 (WGS-84) Manual
Users of this manual may also wish to consult the online Aviation Training Directory of ICAO at for institutions that provide training in aeronautical cartography.
With the exception of Chapter 7, references within square brackets [ ] at the right margin are to the governing SARPs of Annex 4, and relate to the subsequent sub-paragraphs of the manual. Chapter 7 is divided into sub-sections which relate to the chapters of Annex 4. In Chapter 7, the references reflecting the Annex 4 provisions concerned are listed in a separate column and are shown opposite the text. The second digit of the page numbers in Chapter 7 correspond to chapters in Annex 4.
With this new edition, the manual is brought up to date with Annex 4, Amendment 58, and is distributed electronically. In order to support the performance-based navigation (PBN) criteria, as well as other technologies such as ground-based augmentation systems (GBAS) and satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) landing systems, new charting recommendations have been developed and introduced in the manual. Charting and navigation data requirements have been taken into account to promote harmonization of charts, databases and avionics systems. New charting criteria for point-in-space (PinS) operations for helicopters and for departures for helicopters have been introduced. The document also presents a new chapter aimed at providing instructions and guidelines to support States` implementation of fully automated charting systems.
Users are invited to forward to ICAO suggestions for improvements or additions based on their experience when using the manual. Any contribution for inclusion in the manual, or any errors or discrepancies noticed therein, should be brought to the attention of:
The Secretary General
International Civil Aviation Organization
999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard
Montréal, Quebec
H3C 5H7
titleICAO 8697num
titleAeronautical Chart Manual - Third Edition; Corrigendum 1: 06/10/2016en
treeICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization:;2016

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