Recent Submissions

  • ASA S1.11 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2009
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: This standard provides performance requirements for analog, sampled-data, and digital implementations of bandpass filters that comprise a filter set or spectrum analyzer. The extent of the passband region of a filter's ...
  • ASA S1.40 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2011
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: Sound calibrators generate known sound pressure levels at one or more frequencies in a coupler into which a specified model of microphone is inserted in a specified configuration.
    NOTE An example of a specified ...
  • ASA S3.2 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2009
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: The scope of this standard includes the measurement of the intelligibility of speech over entire communication systems and the evaluation of the contributions of elements of speech communication systems. The scope also ...
  • ASA S1.13 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2010
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: This standard specifies requirements and procedures for the measurement of sound pressure levels in air. These requirements and procedures apply primarily to measurements performed under normal, relatively quiescent ...
  • ASA S3.5 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;1997
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: The predictions of this Standard apply to listening conditions where the input variables of the Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) model can be accurately estimated. The input variables include the equivalent speech spectrum ...
  • ASA S1.6 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2011
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: For certain acoustical measurements, a constant frequency increment is a suitable spacing. More commonly, however, a constant-percentage increment is adopted and the frequencies then form a geometric series. This standard ...
  • ASA S3.13 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;1987
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: This standard specifies requirements for mechanical couplers used for calibrating bone-conduction audi-meters and for making measurements on bone vibrators and bone-conduction hearing aids, in the frequency range from 125 ...
  • ASA S1.15 PART 2 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2010
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: This standard
    — is applicable to laboratory standard microphones meeting the requirements of ANSI S1.15- 1997/Part 1 (R2001) and other types of condenser microphones having the same mechanical dimensions;
    — ...
  • ASA S1.8 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2011
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: The scope of this Standard includes reference quantities for commonly used levels in acoustics, electroacoustics, and mechanical vibrations.
    The use of levels to describe acoustical quantities is not made mandatory by ...
  • ASA S1.4 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2006
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: Scope:

    Various degrees of accurancy are required for the practical measurement of sounds of various kinds for different purposes. Hence, this ...

  • ASA S3.7 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2008
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: This standard specifies and describes earphone couplers that are in current use, together with their capabilities and limitations, and presents methods for the coupler calibration of earphones.
    Purpose ...
  • ASA S12.6 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2008
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: This standard specifies laboratory-based procedures for measuring, analyzing, and reporting the passive noise-reducing capacity of hearing protection devices. The methods consist of psychophysical tests conducted on human ...
  • ASA S3.1 

    Type: standard
    Source: ASA - Acoustical Society of America:;2008
    Organization : ASA - Acoustical Society of America
    Abstract: Hearing measurements in an audiometric test room may be conducted for different audiometric purposes over different test frequency ranges. However, if the ambient noise level is excessively high, some hearing threshold ...