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AAMA-American Architectural Manufacturers Association
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bsi - british standards institution (83413)
astm - astm international (36496)
etsi - european telecommunications standards institute (36180)
iso - international organization for standardization (21282)
din - deutsches institut für normung e. v. (20091)
sae - sae international (16264)
itu-t - international telecommunication union/itu telcommunication sector (12687)
dla - cc - dla land and maritime (11453)
iec - international electrotechnical commission (9213)
ul - ul (6633)
csa - csa group (5597)
army - ih - institute of heraldry (4693)
itu-r - international telecommunication union/itu radiocommunication sector (4430)
nasa - national aeronautics and space administration (nasa) (3613)
jsa - japanese standards association (2957)
navy - sh - naval sea systems command (ship systems) (2792)
ieee - the institute of electrical and electronics engineers, inc. (2683)
ashrae - american society of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers, inc. (2562)
aashto - american association of state highway and transportation officials (2524)
navy - as - naval air systems command (2147)
asme/bpvc - asme international (bpvc) (2119)
din - deutsches institut fš?r normung e. v. (2092)
army - ar - us army research devlp & engr command, armament research devlp & engr center (2057)
api - american petroleum institute (1822)
dodd - dod directives service (1814)
msfc - nasa - msfc - marshall space flight center (1741)
nato - north atlantic treaty organization (1523)
nfpa - (nfpa) - national fluid power association (1485)
aia/nas - aerospace industries association of america inc. (1402)
dla - is - dla troop support - industrial hardware items of supply standardization code (1357)
ansi - american national standards institute (1236)
tia - telecommunications industry association (1186)
navy - os - naval surface warfare center (nswciheodtd) (1094)
asme - asme international (1083)
army - at - tank-automotive and armaments command (832)
gsfc - nasa - gsfc - robert h. goddard space flight center (823)
ipc - association connecting electronics industries (793)
army - gl - u.s. army natick soldier research, development & engineering center (732)
army - cr - us army communications electronics command (719)
uscg - united states coast guard (695)
aci - american concrete institute (636)
dla - ct - dla troop support - clothing & textile items of supply (573)
tappi - tappi (533)
ecia - electronic components industry association (507)
air force - 69 - air force packaging technology and engineering facility (afptef) (461)
aws - american welding society (451)
gsa - fss - federal supply service (375)
clsi - clinical and laboratory standards institute (369)
jedec - solid state technology association (369)
nema - national electrical manufacturers association (346)
nace - nace international (344)
dod - mb - defense health agency, medical logistics division (325)
air force - 71 - air force sustainment center - oklahoma city (323)
awwa - american water works association (296)
cie - international commission on illumination (263)
isa - international society of automation (258)
ufc - unified facilities criteria (255)
dla - gs6 - dla aviation - richmond (250)
aatcc - the american association of textile chemists and colorists (221)
air force - 82 - san antonio air logistics center (216)
csa/am - csa america, inc. (215)
dla - gs3 - dla aviation - richmond (196)
dla - gs2 - dla aviation - richmond (187)
army - mr - army research laboratory, weapons and materials research directorate (179)
navy - mc - united states marine corps (174)
icao - international civil aviation organization (173)
asce - american society of civil engineers (168)
dla - gs4 - dla aviation - richmond (158)
navy - nu - navy clothing and textile research facility (158)
cjcs - chairman, joint chief of staff (138)
ashrae - american society of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers, inc (130)
army - av - aviation and missile command (126)
navy - yd - naval facilities engineering command (126)
air force - 70 - air force sustainment center - ogden (122)
dod - mp - the national geospatial-intelligence agency, (depso) (122)
navy - nw - naval surface warfare center, crane division (101)
army - mi - aviation & missile command (100)
usda - fv - agricultural marketing service (ams) (fruit and vegetable programs) (100)
ksc - nasa - ksc - kennedy space center (94)
ans - american nuclear society (87)
mss - manufacturers standardization society of the valve and fittings industry. (86)
dla - ss - dla troop support - subsistence items of supply (84)
army - cr4 - us army communications electronics command (78)
abma - american bearing manufacturers association (76)
navy - ec - space and naval warfare systems command (76)
asse - asse/safe - american society of safety engineers (75)
gpa - gas processors association (75)
air force - 84 - air force sustainment center - warner robins (71)
aiaa - american institute of aeronautics and astronautics (70)
dod - dc5 - defense information systems agency (disa) (69)
air force - 02 - air force network integration center (afnic) (67)
navy - sa - navy supply systems command (67)
army - ea - edgewood chemical biological center (ecbc) (59)
dla - gs1 - dla aviation - richmond (59)
asq - american society for quality (57)
air force - 99 - air force materiel command hq (56)
air force - 05 - saf/aqr deputy assistant secretary (science, technology and engineering) (51)
aa - the aluminum association inc. (48)
dla - gs5 - dla aviation - richmond (48)
pia - parachute industry association (44)
neca - national electrical contractors association (42)
general services - fas - general services administration (41)
dla - dm - dla troop support - medical items of supply (40)
dla - gs8 - dla aviation - richmond (39)
dla - gs - dla aviation - richmond (38)
ahri - air-conditioning, heating and refrigeration institute (36)
navy - td - naval air warfare center, training systems division (36)
smacna - sheet metal and air conditioning contractors' national association inc. (35)
osd - so - executive agent for the defense standardization program (33)
ssc - stennis space center (33)
va - oss - office of acquisition & material mgmt division (33)
army - gl2 - u.s. army soldier systems center (30)
air force - 10 - air force materiel command standardization office (comso) (27)
eia - electronic industries alliance (27)
army - tm - usamc, logsa, acquisition logistics center (26)
icc - international code council (26)
bhma - builders hardware manufacturers association inc. (23)
ispe - international society for pharmaceutical engineering (23)
sspc - the society for protective coatings (21)
dod - dc1 - defense information systems agency (disa) (19)
dla - gs7 - dla aviation - richmond (18)
nsf - nsf international (17)
asse - american society of sanitary engineering (15)
dot - cg - united states coast guard (14)
ncs - national communications systems (office of technology and program) (14)
asa - acoustical society of america (13)
amca - air movement and control association inc. (12)
dod - dc - defense information systems agency (disa), (depso) (12)
agma - american gear manufacturers association (11)
army - ce3 - u.s. army corps of engineers (10)
battelle - bmi - battelle memorial institute (10)
army - sm - logsa packaging, storage and containerization center (9)
pfi - pipe fabrication institute (8)
icea - insulated cable engineers association inc. (7)
jsc - nasa - jsc - johnson space center (7)
gsa - 3fne - engineering division (furniture center) (6)
air force - 11 - air force life cycle management center (5)
army - ce - us army corps of engineers (5)
army - md2 - office of the surgeon general (5)
dms - defense modeling & simulation coordination office (5)
dod - ds - defense threat reduction agency (dtra), (depso) (5)
dod - ns - national security agency (5)
navy - navsea - naval sea systems command (5)
aham - association of home appliance manufacturers (4)
air force - 13 - air force life cycle management center - electronic systems (4)
army - cd - dla logistics informaiton service (4)
cti - cooling technology institute (4)
dla - dp - dla troop support - operations support for standardization (4)
dod - dc3 - defense information systems agency (disa) (4)
aga - american gas association (3)
army - mt - surface deployment and distribution command (sddc) (3)
army - u.s. army (3)
doc - u.s. department of commerce (3)
dod - dc2 - defense information systems agency (disa) (3)
iapmo - international association of plumbing and mechanical officials (3)
neta - international electrical testing association (3)
osd - se - odasd(se) (3)
aama-american architectural manufacturers association (2)
air force - 19 - space and missile systems center (2)
air force - 22 - air force test center - seek eagle office (2)
air force - 51 - air force research laboratory (afrl) bioeffects division (2)
army - ac - chief information officer/g-6 (2)
army - cr1 - communications - electronics command hq cecom (2)
army - gl4 - u.s. army soldier systems center (2)
army - md - office of the surgeon general (2)
army - te - developmental test command (dtc) (2)
dla - ps - dla energy (2)
dod - u.s. department of defense (2)
noaa - national oceanic and atmospheric administration (2)
12 - discontinued preparing activity (1)
air force - 16 - air force life cycle management center - product data systems (1)
air force - 35 - air force services agency (afsva) (1)
air force - 40 - air force materiel command safety office (1)
air force - 68 - air force petroleum agency (afpa/pt) (1)
air force - af - u.s. air force (1)
aisc - american institute of steel construction (1)
army - ac1 - odis for systems command, control, communications (1)
army - am - hq us army materiel command, (amc), depso (1)
army - sy - u.s. army materiel systems analysis activity (amsaa) (1)
dla - da - dla document services (1)
doj - u.s. department of justice (1)
drm - drawing requirements manual (1)
hhs - nih - national institute of health (acquisition planning & specification branch) (1)
moduk - british defence standards (1)
navy - ms - naval medical logistics command (1)
navy - nc - office of the chief of naval operations (1)
navy - om - department of the navy chief information officer (don cio) (1)
niso - national information standards organization (1)
nr - network rail (1)
oasd - wb - acquisition resources and analysis (ara) (1)
osd - hp - department of defense disability program (1)
ppi - the plastics pipe institute, inc. (1)
usaf - united states air force (1)
usda-sdtdc - usdafs - u.s. department of agriculture/u.s. forest service (1)
2002 (1)
1997 (1)
standard (285962)
standard (41039)
Language (ISO)
english (299922)
english, french (6964)
french (6724)
german, english (6176)
spanish (4850)
german, english, french (326)
chinese (135)
russian (100)
english (81)
english, french, russian (63)
german (25)
japanese (17)
arabic (14)
german, english, french, russian (14)
english, spanish, french, russian (12)
polish (8)
danish (6)
italian (6)
english, finnish (5)
swedish (5)
romanian (4)
english, russian (3)
finnish (3)
turkish (3)
vietnamese (3)
dutch (2)
german, english, french, swedish (2)
korean (2)
arabic, english, spanish, french, russian, chinese (1)
czechoslovakia (1)
english, french, romanian (1)
english, spanish, french (1)
german, english, spanish, french, russian (1)
hebrew (1)
portuguese (1)
Content Type
fulltext (286308)
fulltext (40670)
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