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Ink absorbency of blotting pape

contributor authorTAPPI - TAPPI
date accessioned2017-09-04T18:38:44Z
date available2017-09-04T18:38:44Z
date copyright2010.01.01
date issued2010
identifier otherJQKIRCAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractScope and significance
This method is used to determine the rate at which blotting papers absorb writing ink. It yields results that have been found useful in predicting and specifying the absorptive quality of blotting papers.
The method is based on the determination of the length of time required to absorb completely 1 mL of a standard writing ink at 23°C (73.4°F).
titleTAPPI T 431 CMnum
titleInk absorbency of blotting papeen
treeTAPPI - TAPPI:;2010
subject keywordsAbsorptivity
subject keywordsBlotting papers
subject keywordsInk
subject keywordsInk absorption
subject keywordsPaper

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