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Wind tunnel tests of five strut sections in yaw

contributor authorNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
date accessioned2017-09-04T18:44:31Z
date available2017-09-04T18:44:31Z
date copyright01/01/1923
date issued1923
identifier otherKEYIYDAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractIn the first series of wind tunnel tests, the drag and cross wing force of all the struts were measured at a wind speed of 30 mph and at angles of yaw from 0 degrees to 20 degrees. To determine the magnitude of the VL effect, each strut was tested at zero yaw and at a series of speeds ranging from 15 to 38 mph. Although designed as fairings for cables, part of these sections gave such high crosswind forces that they seemed to have possibilities as airfoils. Therefore, the lift (identical with the crosswind force) and drag coefficients were recalculated for four sections on the basis of broadside area to make them comparable with wing coefficients. The general conclusion that the best fineness ratio for a strut is a function of the Reynolds number, decreasing steadily as that quality increases, has of course been reached many times, both by theory and experiment. It was confirmed here once more, and the effect of form on sensitiveness to VL is also strikingly shown. It seems probable that this effect of form is largely due to interaction between the nose and tail, and to the influence which the form of the nose exerts over the whole flow around the strut.
titleWind tunnel tests of five strut sections in yawen
treeNASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):;1923
subject keywordsMETAL
subject keywordsPROPELLERS

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