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contributor authorARMY - SM - LOGSA Packaging, Storage and Containerization Center
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:27:02Z
date available2017-09-04T15:27:02Z
date copyright04/19/1996
date issued1996
identifier otherNQEBEAAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis standard provides the requirements and procedures (techniques) for packaging supplies using foam-in-place (FIP) materials.
Any one of the techniques classified below shall be employed when determined to be an effective packaging approach and when subsequently authorized, specified, or approved for use through the appropriate Government means. As a standard, it may be applied as an acquisition document accomplished accordingly by outside contractors, within its specified terms, or it may be implemented solely as a procedural document for accomplishment, as specified, by Government supply or support personnel. With the latter application, any augmental or supportive data, if needed in special instances, shall be supplied by the responsible packaging specialist, packaging engineer, or their equivalent using standard techniques and applicable reference materials (specifications, standards, packaging data sheets, or special packaging instructions). Sensitive items, as described in paragraph 4.2, shall not be packaged using FIP techniques without employing special precautions as specified.
The procedures covered by this standard shall be of the following techniques, as specified (see 6.2):
        Technique I              Split pack, standard         Technique II             Split pack, alternate         Technique III            Split pack, inverted         Technique IV             Foam-in-bag         Technique V              Special technique, modified         Technique VI             Foamed container         Technique VII            Encapsulated pack         Technique VIII           Preformed molding

Intended Use: This standard is intended for use whenever guidance is needed to accomplish FIP packages of the type provided for in the eight techniques described herein and when duly authorized for use by the Government. It is intended for use in conjunction with MIL-F-83671 that specifies flame-retardant polyurethane FIP materials and MIL-F-87075 that specifies applicable dispensing equipment for foam. The packs specified here-in may be fabricated by Government personnel, or the service may be acquired from contractors.
treeARMY - SM - LOGSA Packaging, Storage and Containerization Center:;1996
subject keywordsEncapsulated pack
subject keywordsFIP packaging
subject keywordsFlexible foam
subject keywordsFoam-in-bag
subject keywordsInverted pack
subject keywordsPreformed molds
subject keywordsRigid foam
subject keywordsSemirigid foams
subject keywordsSplit packs
subject keywordsUrethane foam

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