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contributor authorNEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association
date accessioned2020-09-15T20:26:20Z
date available2020-09-15T20:26:20Z
date copyright2019
date issued2019
identifier otherAHVZGGAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier otherAHVZGGAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
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description abstractThe Standard identifies general information and technical specifications relevant in describing an ESS and also defines a set of test, measurement, and evaluation criteria with which to express the performance of electrical ESSs that are intended for energy-intensive and/or power-intensive stationary applications. An ESS includes a storage device, battery management system, and any power conversion systems installed with the storage device. The Standard is agnostic with respect to the storage technology and the size and rating of the ESS. The Standard does not apply to single-use storage devices and storage devices that are not coupled with power conversion systems, nor does it address safety, security, or operations and maintenance of ESSs, or provide any pass/fail criteria. It also does not apply to thermal energy storage systems Purpose This Standard provides a set of “best practices” for characterizing energy storage systems (ESSs) and measuring and reporting their performance. It serves as a basis for assessing how an ESS will perform with respect to key performance attributes relevant to different applications. It is intended to provide a valid and accurate basis for the comparison of different ESSs. By achieving the stated purpose, the Standard will enable more informed decision-making in the selection of ESSs for various stationary applications
titleStandard for Uniformly Measuring and Expressing the Performance of Electrical Energy Storage Systemsen
titleNEMA ESS 1num
treeNEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association:;2019

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