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Rubber, natural latex concentrate - Determination of KOH number - Fourth edition

contributor authorISO - International Organization for Standardization
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:05:56Z
date available2017-09-04T15:05:56Z
date copyright2012.04.15
date issued2012
identifier otherAOOVUEAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the KOH number of natural rubber latex concentrate which is preserved wholly or in part with ammonia. The method is applicable to latices containing boric acid. The method is not applicable to latices preserved with potassium hydroxide. It is not necessarily suitable for latices from natural sources other than Hevea brasiliensis, or for latices of synthetic rubber, compounded latex, vulcanized latex or artificial dispersions of rubber.
titleISO 127num
titleRubber, natural latex concentrate - Determination of KOH number - Fourth editionen
treeISO - International Organization for Standardization:;2012

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