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Performance Requirements for Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers and Reduced Pressure Principle Fire Protection Backflow Preventers

contributor authorASSE - American Society of Sanitary Engineering
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:34:42Z
date available2017-09-04T15:34:42Z
date copyright08/01/2011
date issued2011
identifier otherONLPXEAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractDescription
This standard applies to two types of backflow prevention assemblies, identified as:
(a) Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers (RP); and
(b) Reduced Pressure Principle Fire Protection Backflow Preventers (RPF).
These assemblies consist of two (2) independently-acting check valves, internally force loaded to a normally closed position and separated by an intermediate chamber (or zone) in which there is a hydraulically operated relief means for venting to atmosphere, internally force loaded to a normally open position. These assemblies are designed to operate under continuous pressure conditions. The assembly shall include two (2) properly located, tightly closing shut-off valves, per Section, and properly located test cocks, per Section
This standard also applies to Manifold Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Assemblies consisting of two (2) or more complete Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers in parallel. The assemblies do not need to be of the same pipe size. The manifold size shall be identified by the single inlet and outlet of the Manifold Reduced Pressure Principal Backflow Assembly. Manifold Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Assemblies shall include line-sized shut-off valves on each inlet and outlet of the assemblies making up the manifold.
titleASSE 1013num
titlePerformance Requirements for Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers and Reduced Pressure Principle Fire Protection Backflow Preventersen
treeASSE - American Society of Sanitary Engineering:;2011

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