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Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans

contributor authorAMCA - Air Movement and Control Association Inc.
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:35:19Z
date available2017-09-04T15:35:19Z
date copyright01/01/2008
date issued2008
identifier otherOPFFQCAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis standard applies to fans of all types and sizes. It is limited to the determination of airborne sound emission for the specified setups. Vibration is not measured, nor is the sensitivity of airborne sound emission to vibration effects determined. The test setup requirements in this standard establish the laboratory conditions necessary for a successful test. Rarely will it be possible to meet these requirements in a field situation. This standard is not intended for field measurements. Minor editorial changes were made during the approval process for its designation as an American National Standard.
titleAMCA 300num
titleReverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fansen
treeAMCA - Air Movement and Control Association Inc.:;2008

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