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Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects

contributor authorNSF - NSF International
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:40:34Z
date available2017-09-04T15:40:34Z
date copyright07/08/2012
date issued2012
identifier otherPEDBZEAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis Standard is intended to cover specific materials or products that come into contact with: drinking water, drinking water treatment chemicals, or both. The focus of the Standard is evaluation of contaminants or impurities imparted indirectly to drinking water. The products and materials covered include, but are not limited to, process media (e.g., carbon, sand), protective materials (e.g., coatings, linings, liners), joining and sealing materials (e.g., solvent cements, welding materials, gaskets), pipes and related products (e.g., pipes, tanks, fittings), mechanical devices used in treatment/transmission/distribution systems (e.g., valves, chlorinators, separation membranes, point-ofentry drinking water treatment systems), and mechanical plumbing devices (e.g., faucets, endpoint control valves).
Point-of-use drinking water treatment devices are not covered by the scope of this Standard.
Fire hydrants are not covered by the scope of this Standard.
This Standard establishes minimum health effects requirements for the chemical contaminants and impurities that are indirectly imparted to drinking water from products, components, and materials used in drinking water systems. This Standard does not establish performance, taste and odor, or microbial growth support requirements for drinking water system products, components, or materials.
titleNSF 61num
titleDrinking Water System Components - Health Effectsen
treeNSF - NSF International:;2012

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