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Guidelines for Handling Molten Aluminum - Third Edition

contributor authorAA - The Aluminum Association Inc.
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:02:20Z
date available2017-09-04T16:02:20Z
date copyright07/01/2002
date issued2002
identifier otherRNKZCBAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThese Guidelines were prepared for use by all personnel concerned or associated with activities involving molten aluminum, and particularly for those involved in everyday plant operations. All major steps in melting, treating, transferring, and casting molten aluminum and its alloys (excluding pot line operations in reduction plants) are discussed.(Footnote *) Dross processing operations and equipment are not discussed.
Emphasis is placed on large-scale melting and casting practices for the production of process ingot. Slabs or billets are subsequently mechanically worked into forms such as sheet, plate, foil, forgings, extrusions, or T-bars, sow and Remelt Scrap Ingot (RSI). These are then remelted at another site. More attention is also given to scrap melting operations.
Terminology used in these guidelines reflects that employed in the industry.
Footnote * - Details are not given on operating practices for proprietary melting, melt treatment, and casting systems. Information on specific safety procedures should be sought from vendors of these systems. For additional details of safe practices in foundries, refer to Safe Requirements for Melting and Pouring of Metals in the Metal Casting Industry, prepared by the American Foundry Society.
titleAA GMA69num
titleGuidelines for Handling Molten Aluminum - Third Editionen
treeAA - The Aluminum Association Inc.:;2002

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