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Guide for Concrete Inspection

contributor authorACI - American Concrete Institute
date accessioned2017-09-04T16:17:58Z
date available2017-09-04T16:17:58Z
date copyright01/01/2005
date issued2005
identifier otherTEGJJBAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis document is primarily intended for guidance in the development of inspection and testing plans that are part of the overall system designed to ensure quality in the finished concrete product. ACI Committee 311 recommends that the owner develop a quality plan, as outlined in ACI 121R, and that 311.4R be used to develop inspection and testing plans by those organizations assigned by the owner’s quality plan to conduct inspections.
titleACI 311.4Rnum
titleGuide for Concrete Inspectionen
treeACI - American Concrete Institute:;2005
subject keywordsconcrete
subject keywordsconstruction
subject keywordsinspection
subject keywordsquality assurance
subject keywordsquality control
subject keywordstesting.

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