Now showing items 1-10 of 87
ANS 8.23: Nuclear Criticality Accident Emergency Planning and Response
Abstract: This standard provides criteria for minimizing risks to personnel during emergency response to a nuclear criticality accident outside reactors. This standard applies to those facilities for which a criticality accident ...
ANS 51.10: Auxiliary feedwater system for pressurized water reactors
Abstract: This standard sets forth the nuclear safety-related functional requirements, performance requirements, design criteria, design requirements for testing and maintaince, and interfaces for the nuclear safety-related portion ...
ANS 2.27: criteria for investigations of nuclear facility sites for seismic hazard assessments
Abstract: This standard provides criteria and guidelines for conducting geological, seismological, and geotechnical investigations needed to provide information to support the following:
(1)Seismic source characterization input ...
(1)Seismic source characterization input ...
ANS 55.1: Solid Radioactive Waste Processing System for Light-Water-Cooled Reactor Plants
Abstract: This standard sets forth the design, construction, and performance requirements for a solid radioactive waste processing system for light-water-cooled reactor plants. For the purposes of this standard, the solid radioactive ...
ANS 6.6.1: Calculation and measurement of direct and scattered gamma radiation from LWR nuclear power plants
Abstract: This standard defines calculational requirements and discusses measurement techniques for estimates of dose rates near light water reactor (LWR) nuclear power plants due to direct and scattered gamma-rays from contained ...
ANS 2.21: Criteria for Assessing Atmospheric Effects on the Ultimate Heat Sink
Abstract: This standard describes atmospheric effects for consideration when designing ultimate heat sinks for safety-related systems at nuclear power units. Required analyses are provided for a meteorological assessment of the ...
ANS 58.3: Physical Protection for Nuclear Safety-Related Systems and Components
Abstract: This standard sets forth physical protection criteria for nuclear safety-related systems and components in stations using light water reactors (LWRs). This standard includes identification of potential hazards to nuclear ...
ANS 14.1: Operation of Fast Pulse Reactors
Abstract: This standard is for those involved in the design, operation, and review of fast pulse reactors. It has been formulated in general terms to be applicable to all current fast pulse reactors. This standard does not apply to ...
ANS 8.24: validation of neutron transport methods for nuclear criticality safety calculations
Abstract: This standard provides requirements and recommendations for validation, including establishing applicability, of neutron transport calculational methods used in determining critical or subcritical conditions for nuclear ...
ANS 19.10: Methods for Determining Neutron Fluence in BWR and PWR Pressure Vessel and Reactor Internals
Abstract: This standard provides a procedure for the evaluation of the best-estimate fast (E > 1.0 MeV) neutron fluence in the annular region between the core and the inside surface of the vessel, through the pressure vessel ...