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Wind Tunnel Testing Part 2: Practitioners Volume

contributor authorAIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
date accessioned2017-09-04T17:48:58Z
date available2017-09-04T17:48:58Z
date copyright2003.01.01
date issued2003
identifier otherESQFEBAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri;jsessionid=47037D83FCDCAC426159DD6E273C9FCD/handle/yse/172182
description abstractIntroduction
The purpose of this recommended practice document is to provide the reader with increased knowledge about planning and executing highly successful wind tunnel tests. First, an overview of the test process is provided, giving a general picture of the origin, purpose, and high-level breakdown of activities that are a part of wind tunnel test development and execution. Secondly, detail is added to the overview to define the full scope of the activities and key considerations. Finally, recommended practices and lessons learned are described.
Part I of this recommended practice looked at test development from a management perspective. This volume (Part Il) will provide additional detail that is more useful to participants who develop and execute testing activities. Part II is organized into sections describing activities and best practices during the various stages of test implementation:
• Program development
• Pretest planning and preparation
• Model development and fabrication
• Pretest buildup and preparation
• Testing
• Post-test activities
Part II of this recommended practice document was assembled with guidance from experts (both industry and government) who are responsible for all aspects of wind tunnel testing. Experts from airframe companies (military and commercial), as well as model makers and tunnel operators contributed best practices to help guide test personnel through the implementation and execution of a test project.
titleAIAA R-092-2num
titleWind Tunnel Testing Part 2: Practitioners Volumeen
treeAIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics:;2003

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