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Safety Requirements for Dredging

contributor authorASSE - ASSE/SAFE - American Society of Safety Engineers
date accessioned2017-09-04T18:02:30Z
date available2017-09-04T18:02:30Z
date copyright01/01/1995 (R 2011)
date issued2011
identifier otherABNQMEAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis standard applies to construction dredging operations.
Purpose. This standard contains performance requirements in the safe and healthful process of conducting dredging operations:
1. For the preservation of life, limb, and property;
2. To provide direction to employers, supervisors and others concerned with, or responsible for, its application; and
3. To assist governments and other regulatory bodies in the development, promulgation and enforcement of appropriate safety directives.
titleASSE A10.15num
titleSafety Requirements for Dredgingen
treeASSE - ASSE/SAFE - American Society of Safety Engineers:;2011

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