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Use of borosilicate-glass Raschig rings as a neutron absorber in solutions of fissile material

contributor authorANS - American Nuclear Society
date accessioned2017-09-04T18:04:27Z
date available2017-09-04T18:04:27Z
date copyright01/01/1996 (R 2002)(R 2007)
date issued2007
identifier otherGHALGCAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis standard provides guidance for the use of borosilicate-glass Raschig rings as a neutron absorber for criticality control in ring-packed vessels containing solutions of 235U, 239Pu, or 233U. The chemical and physical environment, properties of the rings and packed vessels, maintenance inspection procedures, and operating guidelines are specified.
titleANS 8.5num
titleUse of borosilicate-glass Raschig rings as a neutron absorber in solutions of fissile materialen
treeANS - American Nuclear Society:;2007

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