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IEEE P802.11ak/D6.0, December 2017

contributor authorIEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
date accessioned2018-07-30T06:05:28Z
date available2018-07-30T06:05:28Z
date copyrightJan. 1 2017
date issued2017
identifier isbnElectronic:978-1-5044-4606-8
identifier other8241007.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis amendment specifies protocols, procedures, and managed objects to enhance the ability of IEEE P802.11 media to provide transit links internal to IEEE Std 802.1Q bridged networks.
titleIEEE Approved Draft Standard for Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks-- Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications - Amendment 4: Enhancements Foren
titleIEEE P802.11ak/D6.0, December 2017num
treeIEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.:;2017
subject keywords802.1Q
subject keywordsEPD
subject keywordsSYNRA
subject keywordsbridged
subject keywordstransit link
subject keywordsBridged circuits
subject keywordsCommunications technology
subject keywordsIEEE Standards
subject keywordsInformation exchange
subject keywordsTelecommunication network management

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