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TUBE, COPPER (SEAMLESS) (COPPER ALLOY NUMBERS C10100, C10200, C10300, C10800, C12000, C12200, AND C14200)

contributor authorNAVY - SH - Naval Sea Systems Command (Ship Systems)
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:29:45Z
date available2017-09-04T15:29:45Z
date copyright32066
date issued1987
identifier otherNYPLDAAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis specification covers seamless copper tube with standard pipe size outside diameters (od), including some intermediate nonstandard sizes. Drawn-temper tubes may be used with brazed or solder type fittings. Annealed-temper tubes may be used with flared, flanged, soldered, or brazed fittings. Intended Use: Seamless copper tube covered by this specification is intended for general use on board ship with flanges and soldered, brazed, or flared fittings when straight and not threaded. When bending or threading is required, tubes with adequate wall thickness should be specified. In other than shipboard application, seamless copper tube is intended for soldered, brazed, or flared type fittings for plumbing, heating, and other work with pressure up to 250 lb/in2 . Copper water tube is covered in ASTM B 88, copper refrigeration tube in ASTM B 280, and copper pipe in WW-P-377.
titleTUBE, COPPER (SEAMLESS) (COPPER ALLOY NUMBERS C10100, C10200, C10300, C10800, C12000, C12200, AND C14200)en
treeNAVY - SH - Naval Sea Systems Command (Ship Systems):;1987
subject keywordsAnnealed-temper
subject keywordsDrawn-temper
subject keywordsEmbrittlement

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