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Tensile Membrane Structures

contributor authorASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:33:43Z
date available2017-09-04T15:33:43Z
date copyright01/01/2010
date issued2010
identifier otherOKKBADAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis standard provides minimum criteria for the design and performance of membrane-covered cable and rigid member structures, including frame structures, collectively known as tensile membrane structures, including permanent and temporary structures as defi ned herein. The requirements of this standard shall apply whether the tensile membrane structure is independent of or attached to another structure. This standard does not apply to air-supported or air-infl ated structures.
This standard is applicable to all tensile membrane structures as follows:
a. temporary structures with a plan area greater than 1,000 ft2 (100 m2) or with any membrane span exceeding 10 ft (3 m) or
b. permanent structures with a plan area greater than 225 ft2 (22.5 m2), regardless of span.
This standard is applicable to tensile membrane structures erected under the requirements of the legally adopted building code of which this standard forms a part. In areas without a legally adopted building code, this standard defi nes minimum acceptable standards of design and construction practice.
This standard supplements the building code and shall govern in all matters pertaining to design, construction, and material properties. This standard may be used in the absence of a building code or where the building code does not adequately address membrane structures.
Elements of a tensile membrane structure not governed by this standard (e.g., structural steel, cables, timber, aluminum, or concrete) shall be proportioned in accordance with their respective standards.
titleASCE 55-10num
titleTensile Membrane Structuresen
treeASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2010

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