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Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings - 2nd Printing

contributor authorASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
date accessioned2017-09-04T15:37:33Z
date available2017-09-04T15:37:33Z
date copyright01/01/2007
date issued2007
identifier otherOVDWOCAAAAAAAAAA.pdf
identifier uri
description abstractThis standard for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, referred to herein as "this standard," specifies nationally applicable provisions for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings. Seismic rehabilitation is defined as improving the seismic performance of structural and/or nonstructural components of a building by correcting deficiencies identified in a seismic evaluation. Seismic evaluation is defined as an approved process or methodology of evaluating deficiencies in a building, which prevent the building from achieving a selected Rehabilitation Objective. Seismic evaluation using ASCE 31 (ASCE 2002), the procedures and criteria of this standard, or other procedures and criteria approved by the authority having jurisdiction is permitted.
Seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings shall comply with requirements of this standard for selecting a Rehabilitation Objective and conducting the seismic rehabilitation process to achieve the selected Rehabilitation Objective. This standard does not preclude a building from being rehabilitated by other procedures approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Symbols, acronyms, definitions, and references used throughout this standard are cited separately in sections located at the end of this standard.
titleASCE 41-06num
titleSeismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings - 2nd Printingen
treeASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers:;2007

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