Generator, Signal 9 KHZ to 3.2 GHZ
Year: 2012
Abstract: This Commercial Item Description (CID) describes a 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz Signal Generator with AM, FM, pulse modulation (PM) and sweep capabilities. This CID is meant as a minimum requirement for the signal generator in which only those manufacturers that meet or surpass the following requirements are qualified per this CID.
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contributor author | AIR FORCE - 69 - Air Force Packaging Technology and Engineering Facility (AFPTEF) | |
date accessioned | 2017-09-04T16:46:37Z | |
date available | 2017-09-04T16:46:37Z | |
date copyright | 03/27/2012 | |
date issued | 2012 | |
identifier other | WCWSUEAAAAAAAAAA.pdf | |
identifier uri | http://yse.yabesh.ir/std/handle/yse/109917 | |
description abstract | This Commercial Item Description (CID) describes a 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz Signal Generator with AM, FM, pulse modulation (PM) and sweep capabilities. This CID is meant as a minimum requirement for the signal generator in which only those manufacturers that meet or surpass the following requirements are qualified per this CID. | |
language | English | |
title | A-A-59274B VALID NOTICE 1 | num |
title | Generator, Signal 9 KHZ to 3.2 GHZ | en |
type | standard | |
page | 1 | |
status | Active | |
tree | AIR FORCE - 69 - Air Force Packaging Technology and Engineering Facility (AFPTEF):;2012 | |
contenttype | fulltext |